I have toyed with having a blog before. I've done some for class assignments, I've contributed to other people's blogs, even professionally. For fun once, I did a terrible Star Wars WordPress blog that at least one poor sop subscribed to. There was even a previous blog attempt here on this site. On all those previous attempts, I started with gusto, and then quickly fizzled out. There was a lonely first post and a long gap in the timeline before the next one. If it came at all.
This time, I am going to be more honest with myself and with you, whoever you are. I probably won't post regularly. Or even irregularly. However, I do like the idea of a blog. In this day of algorithms, there's something refreshingly, dare I say retro, about spewing your ideas and opinions to the world on your own platform. So, I reserve the right to occasionally, without rhyme or reason, post here. Anything that is posted here is written by me, Stetson Snead. My opinions are my own. They do not represent the opinions of my employer.
What will I post? Probably some self-hosting and other computer project stuff. Maybe what I'm reading, watching, playing, or, hopefully, writing. Potentially, what I'm cooking. Lamentations about sports. One thing that I don't plan on posting is anything political. There's too much of it these days, and too many people forget that democracy only works if there's a disagreement. Some of my fiction and creative nonfiction, which may end up here, will inevitably get political. That can't be avoided, my politics has a tendency to creep out in my writing, often subtly, and against my will. But I will not intentionally, overtly, write a political blog post. Find some other corner of the internet for those.
Today was productive. I finished (mostly) redoing this site on Odoo. Rumors of my Raspberry Pi's death have been greatly exaggerated. And, after an epic battle which they will sing songs about for eons, I conquered the Christmas tree and vanquished the infernal light strings to the depths of the closet. Till next year.
Maybe by then I'll have more to say here.